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(84) 9 9645-9672

Entre em Contato


Estamos localizados na Rua Desembargador Dionísio Figueira, 162 - centro, Mossoró - RN, 59600-322. Venha nos visitar!


Segunda à Sexta: 8:00 às 12:00 - 14:00 às 18:00
Sábado: 8:00 às 12:00

Sua saúde bucal é nossa prioridade

Com mais de 14 anos de experiência, a Clínica Duo Implantes e Próteses oferece soluções para mastigação e estética dental, garantindo conforto e cuidado para todos os nossos pacientes.

Nossos Serviços

Oferecemos implantes e próteses para garantir seu conforto e um sorriso saudável.

Implantes Dentários
A tray containing various dental implants and tools organized in a grid. The metallic objects come in different shapes and sizes, some with shiny surfaces. Labels next to each object provide identification for their function or size. The overall setup appears clean and clinical, indicative of a medical or dental environment.
A tray containing various dental implants and tools organized in a grid. The metallic objects come in different shapes and sizes, some with shiny surfaces. Labels next to each object provide identification for their function or size. The overall setup appears clean and clinical, indicative of a medical or dental environment.

Soluções eficazes para mastigação e estética dental, com conforto garantido.

An individual is holding a set of dentures close to their mouth, appearing to place or remove them. The focus is on the lower part of the person's face, including a mustache and lips slightly parted.
An individual is holding a set of dentures close to their mouth, appearing to place or remove them. The focus is on the lower part of the person's face, including a mustache and lips slightly parted.
A close-up view of a dental model showcasing a row of artificial teeth with pale pink gums. A dental veneer is partially attached to one of the front teeth.
A close-up view of a dental model showcasing a row of artificial teeth with pale pink gums. A dental veneer is partially attached to one of the front teeth.
Próteses Dentárias

Próteses personalizadas que devolvem a confiança e a funcionalidade ao seu sorriso.

Tratamos a dor de imediato e escolhemos as melhores soluções para preservar sua saúde

Canal dentário